the daytrippers

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Happy 2010!

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Just saying it, "Twenty Ten," makes me feel good. I spent part of New Years Day strolling around town camera in hand. The city was quiet. Quite a few folks were off, and the weather was nice, so many of us were downtown to see who was open.

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Not every store was, but the ones that were had some amazing clearance sales. Believe me I took advantage of ever buy one get one free, buy two and get two free & coupon I could get my hands on. But of course I left one hand free for shooting.

After shopping I strolled down to Madison Square Park where everything is not quite so green anymore. Faded flowers and bare branches don't make me sad; after all it's the natural order of things. The same for holiday decorations that have served their purpose.

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When I started to take the photo of the bench there was an adorable squirrel sitting on the corner of it. As usual when I pressed the shutter button...

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I was so persistant, that he decided to be a sport.

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Lissa and I are already working on photos for upcoming posts. I am really looking forward to working with her, and sharing with all of you.

May all your dreams come true.


  1. Happy New Year, Frances. Your photos give me such pleasure. The squirrel is so cute. Looking forward to what you have in store for 2010.

  2. Happy New Year Frances. As usual, your photos make me feel so much a part of your magnificent city. I especially like the 2010 glasses.

    I'm always tucked in under my lap blanket enjoying the New York New Years Eve celebration with Dick Clark and Ryan. The ball drop was much better this year than last year. I think last year's camera man was celebrating too much as it dropped. This year though??? Fab.


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